Indonesian Slang Languange : To Speak Such Local Does

月曜日, 4月 25, 2011

bahasa Indonesia slang Indonesia slang languange learn Indonesian slang languange

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 If you learn Indonesian Languange, then you need to read this articles. Here, I will tell you about some words of Indonesian slang languange.

Ana : "Met Pagi, Ari!"
Ari : "Pagi, Ana. Lama nggak ketemu. Gimana kabarmu?"
Ana : "Baik. Makasih."

That is just a short conversation  that use Indonesian slang languange. Let me explain!

Met Pagi : Good Morning. It is formally said 'Selamat Pagi'. If it is in afternoon, then it become 'Met Siang' or 'Selamat Siang' and 'Met Malam' for saying good night/evening.
Pagi : Morning. We also can say this to greet someone in the morning. Same with above, change to 'Siang' for afternoon and so on.
Lama nggak ketemu : Long time no see. the formal is 'Lama tidak bertemu.'
Gimana kabarmu? : How are you? -- the formal is 'Apa kabarmu?' and for more formal is 'Apa kabar anda?'
Makasih : Thank you. It is abbreviation of teriMA KASIH.

Here is the more slang words :

Nggak/Enggak/gak/ga : No.
Gue/Gua : I. It usually said by the Jakarta dwellers and surroundings.
Lo/Loe : You.
Ntar : Later
Bentar : For a moment
Napa : Why
Nyantai : Relax
Ni : This
Udah : Already

That is just a little words of slang Indonesian. Surely I can't remember all the words, it is just naturally said when we do conversation. If you have any quetion. Feel free to leave comments. It has set to anonymous too.
