The Best Website to Learn Japanese Freely

水曜日, 4月 13, 2011

Learning Japanese slang Japanese

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I am so tired. Since the final examination is next week. So, I must study hard. [^■^]ㄕ I hope I could get a good result.

By the way, I want to tell you about a website that I usually visit to learn Japanese. It is
In this website is we can learn Japanese not only in the formal Japanese but also Slang Japanese. It also will teach you popular Japanese words that usually used in daily life. And for level, it is available in 3 categories : Basic, Intermediate, and Advance. is amazingly free. We can visit it and learn directly (choose the topic you want to learn) without doing registration or pay for premium.

After learning through, now my Japanese become better than before. So, If you want to learn Japanese, maggiesensei is the best website to teach you.

Good luck!
